Friday, April 27, 2012

Rape my virgin child!

I went there after my high school class, where all the vultures were anxiously waiting for her death. She cried to me for the help but I didn't move an inch. Lost in bewilderment I watched her, being taken away by them into dungeon. I later on found out that she died that night and that beast after beast still eating her dead mass. I was only 16, I justify myself but deep down inside me that guilt is growing. Today at the age of 27, I came to know it is one of the largest fraternities on earth living on the flesh of dead girls. Like zombies, when only bones are left, these women (process takes its time) start serving this brotherhood.

All of us witnessed these horrific scenes but we do not notice them because we are watching this barbarism from childhood just like mass slaughtering of animals during Eid. Wearing the blood, these beautiful roses die every day and people celebrate with passion the success of this racket.

Virginity is important as like any other offering, impure or used article would become a reason of embarrassment for the parents of the sacrificial. Ironically, majority of these children consider it ‘The day’ of their lives. Prepared since birth, extra care is taken of them after the puberty and it is instilled in their minds that this is their sole reason of existence. You call it ‘Marriage’; I call it ‘Rape my virgin child’.

“We have decided you have to marry (get raped all your life by) him!” order the same parents who otherwise are heard saying “you can’t go out with your male friends darling… you are not a child anymore”. I know you would snub this writing as Fanon reveals “sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.” I am sorry for nuisance but my guilt is not letting me stop.

The same brother, who gets angry if someone looks at her sister, happily drops her to a stranger’s room, without her consent. All this time these brothers, fathers and zombies (mothers) protect their child not because they love her, but for the perfect deal. “Meet my son in law… a degree from Harvard… working with Microsoft… from a reputable family… earns a lot…” not once I heard someone asking if she really loves him. Amazing! It is not even a concern for anyone.

She keeps disposing off all the desires, the fantasies accumulating into her mind since puberty, to save her virginity for a stranger about whom she doesn’t even know if would be capable of satisfying her or not. Yes she does have desires, fantasies, feelings etc. after all she is a human being, which we easily forget. My fiancé, from quite liberal background, specifically told me that she is a virgin. Did she need to? Yes, a woman in this part of the world, even if getting married to a progressive person, wants him to know that she is a brand new product. Can you imagine the stress with which these creatures spend their lives?

Now, as you know even the girls enjoying some liberty do not actually enjoy the freedom, we must move toward a problem existing in the liberal world. Even if given the choice, women in our society are raised in a manner that they feel insecure and dependent all their lives. Naturally they choose their partner not on the basis of their feelings but how capable he is in handling/exploiting those insecurities. It is important to understand here that marriage does not stand on love but other factors that are stronger in an exploiting society.

Even in the cases where marriage is an outcome of pure love, we should keep in mind that, birds can’t fly in the cage. How could you bind it into a contract? How could you put chains around it? Love exists till you have freedom, till you have option. The day you will turn it into a compulsion, it would start decaying. It would turn into a relationship of master and slave, or mere relationship of responsibilities, or just another norm of the society.

Don’t worry, we all are part of this brotherhood but that doesn’t justify this barbarism. Having written all of this, I also fight within myself, a product of this society. We know that any given Sunday anything can happen then why do we want to hold the things? Why do we mark them permanent? My fiancé might one day stops loving me then, she goes back to old one or moves on with a new one, does it really matter?

I am part of the fraternity as well. It is not easy to break away from the society, its norms, values and above all the thinking it is instilling in you. Solution lies in the complete demolition of these social structures, this socioeconomic system which is standing on the foundation of exploitation.

Love and Exploitation cannot run parallel!