Sunday, December 9, 2012


Mazhab ko biopar banao
Fatwon ka anbar Lagao
Amreeka se dollar pakro
Chowk p ishtihar lagao
Awwal goli Allah aakhir
Kafir kafir Shia kafir!
Thook mila k pani den ye
Muta keren aur zani hain ye
Yehi tu hain islam k dushman
Deen mei be-imani hain ye
Awwal goli Allah akhir
Kafir kafir shia kafir!
Ye saale kya janen mazhab
in ki majlis matam bidat
Deen p jaanen warne walon
Tum se ye bach paen na ab
Awwal goli Allah akhir
Kafir kafir shia kafir
Yazeedi afkar na bholo
Mododi kirdar na bholo
Bholo ishq k pyare rishte
Nafrat ki talwar na bholo
Awwal goli Allah akhir
Kafir kafir shia kafir
Hindu aur maseehi maro
Ahmadion ko zinda garo
Aurat ko taleem se roko
Jannat mei ghar bar bana lo
Awwal goli Allah akhir
Kafir kafir shia kafir

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Decisive Moment

“Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.” Frantz Fanon
Since the fall of Soviet Union, we are witnessing wars and more wars but the one considered most important is between Imperialist forces and reactionaries. After the fall, progressive forces started diluting into liberalism, and rest of the socialists became inactive. Those who were on the ground were criticized  and labeled as confused, as they were chanting slogans against reactionaries and imperialists at the same time. We were especially criticized for supporting national liberation movements, especially if led by religious organizations. But we rejected the superficial and simplistic conclusions and tried to understand the underlying causes. We did not care if the forces were religious or nonreligious but were more interested if they were reactionary or progressive.
We knew that Imperialism would again reconcile with the reactionary forces to further its interests, and we would be facing similar circumstances that we faced during Zia’s regime. After hunting down Osama, it was clear that US is now in a comfortable position to close this front and reconciliation with the reactionaries would achieve at a good pace. By opening fronts in Libya and Syria, Imperialists indicated that they do not consider Taliban and Al Qaeda as threats anymore. The alliance between Arab monarchs and Imperialism has gained support of different reactionary groups through mediation of Saudi Arab and Pakistan.
Many viewed the uprising of Syria as not more than a just demand of the people, but I am sure that picture would be very clear in their minds now. Evidences of armed and non-armed support from Arab league and imperial powers can be found easily.
Hezbollah failed to support Palestinians during recent attack by Israel, because they know a sectarian front would be opened in every country, from Lebanon to India, and that they have to reserve their resources for that internal war. Nasrullah, a smart politician who worked for eliminating not only sectarian but also religious differences in Lebanon, is indicating a sectarian danger.
Reincarnation of Non Aligned Movement is a progressive step from an otherwise narrow minded Iran. On one hand it exposed the hollowness within the idea of Islamic brotherhood, but on the other it reflects that the specter of sectarianism is surrounding the region. Hate literature is being flood in Pakistan as well, while ambassador of hatred ASWJ and LeJ are unleashed. Shias, all over Pakistan but especially in Parachinar and Balochistan are being butchered on daily basis. Iran is already facing isolation so cannot afford confrontation with Pakistan therefore not a single statement has been issued by their government or embassy.
ASWJ and LeJ by their terrorist activities are trying to entice Shia organizations to attack general Sunni masses. Till this point Shia organizations have shown composure and sensibility by refraining from such activity. But a mistake or a mischief can fuel the tensions and the ongoing Shia genocide can turn into a sectarian war. On the other hand ASWJ is also organizing itself as a political party, while state has also given free hand to JuD.
With negotiations going on with Islamic militant organizations at every level, there is a do or die situation in Pakistan. Imperialism, patting on the shoulders of reactionaries, feels comfortable as there is no one who can stop them. Only a radical progressive force with a Maoist attitude can fight this war, as the task ahead cannot be achieved through pseudo-socialist attitude of social democracy. It not only requires a devotion but also the capability to unite other oppressed sections (oppressed gender, oppressed nationalities, Shias and minority groups) with oppressed classes. But the question is:
Are we ready to fight like Hassan Nasir?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Bankruptcy of 'The Bankruptcy of Idealist Political Discourse'

At all events, a split is better than confusion, which hampers the ideological, theoretical and revolutionary growth and maturing of the party, and its harmonious, really organised practical work which actually paves the way for the dictatorship of the proletariat. V.I. Lenin

After reading a recent blog on Apna Kal by Dr. Rasheed Hassan Khan (RHK), in which he tried to justify splits and expulsions, that took place throughout the history of National Students Federation (NSF), I was compelled to reflect upon it. I completely agree with the notion that organizations need to expel its cadre and even move for the splits, if the party line or discipline is on stake. Only the parties that emphasize on quality rather than quantity succeed in the long run. We can find numerous examples in the course of history where splits resulted in the growth of the party; Bolshevik Revolution had not been successful if they had not part ways with Mensheviks.

My Understanding Regarding Splits
I am not against the expulsions and splits in general but what concerns me is the outcome of those splits and expulsions. Lenin correctly points out advantages that a party achieves through expulsion and splits, provided the party line and leadership is on the correct path and forming a correct analysis.
1.       Ideological clarity
2.       Theoretical and revolutionary growth
3.       Party maturity
4.       Party Harmony
5.       Organized practical work
With due respect to RHK, in the light of what I have studied, experienced and listened from the previous members of NSF, splits on the contrary resulted in confusion, chaos, immaturity, disharmony and decline in our case. It is almost infantile to blame those, who had been expelled, for the constant decline that the organization experienced.
ho chuka qata ta’lluq to jafayen kyon hon
jinko matlab nahin rahta wo satate bhi nahin    (Dagh)
What I liked about Meraj Muhammad Khan (MMK) was the fact that he admitted his mistakes in an interview with us, while RHK on the contrary is still not ready to accept his mistakes. On a question regarding operation against the people of East-Pakistan, Meraj admitted his mistake that he should have quit the PPP then, but he refrained from commenting why NSF was quiet on this issue. According to him this question should be asked from RHK as he was the President at that time. The fact is every pro-Chinese group was covertly supporting the operation by keeping a criminal silence. Only the people who were expelled could comment on the real motives because of which they were expelled.
RHK was quick to label others petty bourgeois, lumpen and opportunist, but failed to reflect upon the circumstances that forced him to lead the organization for more than twenty years. For me leading a student organization when one is not a student is an opportunistic position itself.

Reality Check
RHK in that particular blog shed light on ‘ruling ideas’ that Marx explained in detail in his famous work ‘German Ideology’, I would like to take things a bit further by taking help of Gramsci’s ‘Hegemony’ and ‘opposition culture’. Gramsci argues that in any society, hegemony is created not of any particular class but group of classes, and naturally opposition culture is also formed by the group of classes. Pakistan is a classic case as we can observe Feudal-Comprador-Mullah alliance cooperating with the imperial forces to enforce its hegemony. Similarly NSF brought forth the slogan of ‘Talba, Mazdoor aur Kissan’ and NAP combined the socialist demands with the nationalist demands.
Lumpen section of the society that has been ignored by the Left, up till now, became the chief political working force for the fascist elements like MQM and other nationalists. If one does not want to keep lumpen and petty bourgeois elements in its ranks and file then there is no need of a mass front. I think expulsion of petty bourgeois and lumpen section from NSF should have taken place if and only if they were steeling the organization from the core group. But I feel extremely shameful to comment here that majority of members expelled from the organization had remained part of the core group in their respective eras. I cannot agree with the decisions of party leadership with regard to expulsions because
1.       If these members had lumpen and petty bourgeois attitudes, party leadership should not have made them part of the core group.
2.       If there was a difference of opinion, multiple debates should have been carried out before labeling members petty bourgeois and lumpen. Difference of opinion not necessarily means that the section is lumpen.
3.       If party leadership had strong grip on the party and these sections were only part of the units then they could have been ignored. Even if not ignored their expulsion would not have hurt the party.
The fact is very bitter and I never wanted to touch this issue. All the members that were expelled from the rank and files had remained part of the core group once and had been very close to the party leadership and RHK. It is pathetic to term, once your close comrades, lumpen and petty bourgeois because they failed to bow before your hegemony. The fact is NSF started to wither away after RHK took its charge and continuous rifts gripped the organization. If NSF fails to establish itself today, today’s leadership should take the prime responsibility for that not the members that it has purged.

General Failure of the Left
It is but one factor that has contributed in the downfall of the organization but there are multiple other factors that resulted in the failure of Left in general. Other factors include bookish strategies that we followed and our failure to understand and pacify the abstract contradictions within our society. In my work ‘Shehr-e-Charagar se Shehr-e-Khonchkan’ I have mentioned the reasons why Maoists had their impact in Punjab and Karachi, and why pro-Moscow groups dominated smaller provinces. Punjab and Karachi had a federal leaning and hence Maoist strategies worked quite well with the theory of People’s Democratic Revolution, but on the other hand Moscow’s line of Nationalism worked well in Sindh, KPK and Baluchistan, where nationalistic current was on the rise.
Both pro-Chinese and pro-Moscow failed to find a solution of these abstract contradictions that were hampering the class struggle. Where pro-Chinese failed even to consider these contradictions as real challenge, pro-Moscow sailed on the boat of nationalists and now the extreme fascist forces in Sindh use the term comrade for their own cadres. A Maoist myself, communicating with old Maoists about the need to understand and find a solution for the ethnic and nationalist contradictions prevalent in our society makes them think as if I am presenting an opinion of the nationalist and pro-Moscow line.
It is true that state supported the formation of certain ethnic parties in Karachi who used fascist methods to counter our class narrative and tore us apart, but we also failed to realize the implications of policies carried forward by Mumtaz Bhutto. Political decisions should be sharp and quick otherwise new dynamics eat up the previous forces if they had never existed. I know it is difficult to carry forward politics of principles when ethnic politics is on full blow, but at least we should have saved our organizations, as Jamiat did during its downfall, and waited for the correct moment.
On the contrary all the big guns opted for seclusion when the dark era hit the scene. Jamal Naqvi, RHK, etc. left the arena and those who are still struggling are termed opportunists and lumpen. People who are not part of the struggle have no right whatsoever to term these few men lumpen and petty bourgeois, which are still holding the banner of class struggle. They might not be as energetic as the cadres were at the time of RHK and MMK, but it is not that era. This era is marked by complete political alienation and gangs and goons taking over the whole of Karachi. If one cannot contribute, one should not label those who are still working for the promotion of Marxist ideology.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Rape my virgin child!

I went there after my high school class, where all the vultures were anxiously waiting for her death. She cried to me for the help but I didn't move an inch. Lost in bewilderment I watched her, being taken away by them into dungeon. I later on found out that she died that night and that beast after beast still eating her dead mass. I was only 16, I justify myself but deep down inside me that guilt is growing. Today at the age of 27, I came to know it is one of the largest fraternities on earth living on the flesh of dead girls. Like zombies, when only bones are left, these women (process takes its time) start serving this brotherhood.

All of us witnessed these horrific scenes but we do not notice them because we are watching this barbarism from childhood just like mass slaughtering of animals during Eid. Wearing the blood, these beautiful roses die every day and people celebrate with passion the success of this racket.

Virginity is important as like any other offering, impure or used article would become a reason of embarrassment for the parents of the sacrificial. Ironically, majority of these children consider it ‘The day’ of their lives. Prepared since birth, extra care is taken of them after the puberty and it is instilled in their minds that this is their sole reason of existence. You call it ‘Marriage’; I call it ‘Rape my virgin child’.

“We have decided you have to marry (get raped all your life by) him!” order the same parents who otherwise are heard saying “you can’t go out with your male friends darling… you are not a child anymore”. I know you would snub this writing as Fanon reveals “sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.” I am sorry for nuisance but my guilt is not letting me stop.

The same brother, who gets angry if someone looks at her sister, happily drops her to a stranger’s room, without her consent. All this time these brothers, fathers and zombies (mothers) protect their child not because they love her, but for the perfect deal. “Meet my son in law… a degree from Harvard… working with Microsoft… from a reputable family… earns a lot…” not once I heard someone asking if she really loves him. Amazing! It is not even a concern for anyone.

She keeps disposing off all the desires, the fantasies accumulating into her mind since puberty, to save her virginity for a stranger about whom she doesn’t even know if would be capable of satisfying her or not. Yes she does have desires, fantasies, feelings etc. after all she is a human being, which we easily forget. My fiancé, from quite liberal background, specifically told me that she is a virgin. Did she need to? Yes, a woman in this part of the world, even if getting married to a progressive person, wants him to know that she is a brand new product. Can you imagine the stress with which these creatures spend their lives?

Now, as you know even the girls enjoying some liberty do not actually enjoy the freedom, we must move toward a problem existing in the liberal world. Even if given the choice, women in our society are raised in a manner that they feel insecure and dependent all their lives. Naturally they choose their partner not on the basis of their feelings but how capable he is in handling/exploiting those insecurities. It is important to understand here that marriage does not stand on love but other factors that are stronger in an exploiting society.

Even in the cases where marriage is an outcome of pure love, we should keep in mind that, birds can’t fly in the cage. How could you bind it into a contract? How could you put chains around it? Love exists till you have freedom, till you have option. The day you will turn it into a compulsion, it would start decaying. It would turn into a relationship of master and slave, or mere relationship of responsibilities, or just another norm of the society.

Don’t worry, we all are part of this brotherhood but that doesn’t justify this barbarism. Having written all of this, I also fight within myself, a product of this society. We know that any given Sunday anything can happen then why do we want to hold the things? Why do we mark them permanent? My fiancé might one day stops loving me then, she goes back to old one or moves on with a new one, does it really matter?

I am part of the fraternity as well. It is not easy to break away from the society, its norms, values and above all the thinking it is instilling in you. Solution lies in the complete demolition of these social structures, this socioeconomic system which is standing on the foundation of exploitation.

Love and Exploitation cannot run parallel!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Demagogues

"Veni, vidi, vici", are the words used by the Caesar. In Pakistan Mr. Bhutto, in 1969-70, rose as a real contender of this phrase and now Imran Khan is also joining ranks. Famous for hitting stumps and hearts, he is hitting headlines these days. Speculations, analysis, judgments are being passed on the way IK is constructing his political innings. On one hand there is a section comparing him with Che Guevera while on the other hand his critics consider PTI a clean shaved Jamat e Islami. As a student of Politics I consider views of former nothing but a joke while later are also making serious mistake.

Ok then, Imran Khan is? "Imran Khan is for change", can't you hear the middle class youth of Pakistan? Unlike ZAB, IK was not recognized as potential political player at the beginning of his new career, more than decade ago, but ripples he is creating today are making political pundits crazy. All set for his slogan of 'change' but change what? No one really knows but he shouted "Islamic Welfare State" several times, addressing huge crowd in Karachi, reminding "Islamic Socialism" of ZAB of 1970s.

It is better to analyze these slogans instead of reaching any super conclusion regarding success of this new savior of nation. First part of both Inqilabi Naras is same and clearly communicate wishes of both the Mard e Momins – yes, we are ready to work under the ideology set by establishment and ruling elites of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This part is not for the masses but for the state and state machinery ensuring, though both are for the change, their rhetoric would not change the social system, order or structure.

It is often argued that at least pro left Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) shouldn't have declare Ahmedis infidels but the argument is baseless as PPP have always been center to right. Few months ago I had an interview with Meraj Muhammad Khan and every occasion I touched ZAB I witnessed water in his eyes but even this sincere friendship failed to stop him from speaking the truth. When he was revealing that ZAB supported army during Bangladesh Massacre he told me in low voice, reflecting his emotions, that when he asked "Bhutto Sahib what are you doing? Country would break up!" ZAB got frustrated "Meraj you would never understand politics".

First rule of Parliamentary Politics is to develop good ties with the power circles and ensure state ideology is part of its program. It is the core ruling idea through which society is being controlled. The groups considering IK, Taliban Khan, fails to remember it was in 1973 that first Mujaheddin training Camp was installed on Pakistani soil (Both Hikmatyar and Haqqani took training during ZAB's period). They also forget who played the historic role of developing OIC and those who remember consider it a step forward. This organization provided perfect ideological foundation for the Jihad culture that was detrimental in Afghan war. Though ZAB found himself hanging but simplistic conclusion - he was, in general, against establishment - is quite imprudent.

What about the second part then? When ZAB decided to make a party, socialism was considered voice of the masses all over the world. It was impossible to attract them without this word. Same is the case with IK as on one hand he is making the King makers glad by strengthening state ideology and on the other hand he is using the term of his time. The concept of welfare state was introduced, in 1950s, to save Europe from socialism and now almost all of those are turning back to capitalism. Presenting such a concept at this juncture of time (time of global recession), for a country like Pakistan, only reflects demagogic capabilities of our rulers.

For me, disturbing is not the play being set up by the haves of this country but the deep alienation of have-nots toward politics. Above all it is the corrupt intelligentsia of this region that is frustrating. It is looking very difficult for them to make the masses, esp. youth, realize what is going on right now. Why? Because they do not have the guts to speak complete truth; they have the guts to criticize IK but they refrain from telling the new generation about the demagogy of ZAB. They are not realizing that only those who know about the past can judge today.

Similar was the condition at the times of Bhashani, Wali Khan and Mujeeb when finally Ayub started looking towards Soviet Union, naturally because no other option was left. Departure of Ayub Khan is important because it makes us understand the fashion in which military elite works. Ayub Khan was brought down not by his foes but his political children (ZAB and Yahya Khan). Both of them were closely knit with the Uncle Sam and had deep roots with in Civil Military Bureaucracy. Military was loosing its grip and there was not a single political group with mass support and pro-establishment stance at the same time. The time was up for the Ayub, and Pakistani Establishment was looking desperately for the savior. ZAB emerged as a real candidate to bridge people of Sindh and Punjab with the establishment. He capitalized on the anger against the privileged and ranted the perfect words – Yes, the words of change.

Today, under the similar circumstances, existing political groups are unable to keep the big guns satisfied. IK, for todays Armed Junta, is the ZAB of its time. Question is whether the unarmed Junta would again be deceived by the Ace of spade. Only intellectuals of this country can save this two of clubs (real junta) by letting them know the triumph of truth.